Our feet are the foundation of healthy movement

Pain and discomfort in the feet and legs can prevent us from taking part in activities that keep us happy and healthy.

If foot pain is holding you back from the life you want to live, book an appointment to see how Lindsay, a Certified Pedorthist can help.

Lindsay Glassford running in the forrest in triathlon

Lindsay Glassford headshot

Meet Lindsay

HBA Kin, C.Ped(C)

Lindsay graduated from Wilfrid Laurier University in 2013 with an Honors Bachelor of Arts in Kinesiology and Physical Education. After a stint as a ski patroller at Panorama Mountain Resort, Lindsay returned to school in 2018 to attend the Diploma in Pedorthics program at Western University in London Ontario, and became a Canadian Certified Pedorthist in 2019. ​

Lindsay is an expert in biomechanics and healthy movement.

Her training in pedorthics has given her a special expertise in the following areas:

  • Gait analysis

  • The conservative treatment of lower limb injuries

  • Footwear fitting and modifications

  • The design and fabrication of custom foot orthoses

Foot pain can be debilitating, but Lindsay is passionate about keeping her clients active and healthy with the right footwear, rehabilitation, and custom foot orthotics.

Canadian Certified Pedorthists are experts in the biomechanics of gait, and gait-related disorders. They are trained in functional movement screening to help identify causes of injury in the lower limb, and provide appropriate treatment with rehabilitation, footwear recommendations, as well as the design and fabrication of custom foot orthotics.

Pedorthic Association of Canada logo
The College of Pedorthics of Canada logo

Other Qualifications and Passions

Lindsay loves spending time in the mountains with her husband, and when she is not working you can usually find her skiing, running or biking on the local trails of Invermere, Panorama Mountain Resort and the surrounding Columbia Valley. 

Being so passionate about physical and mental health, and the mountains, Lindsay has a wide range of other qualifications that compliment her Pedorthic certification and support our community.

Lindsay Glassford skiing in the backcountry

Lindsay is a passionate skier and CSIA Level 2 instructor

She has a deep understanding of the importance of properly fit ski and snowboard boots for both comfort and performance.

Lindsay is a Masterfit™ Certified Bootfitter and has helped many clients overcome the struggle of aching feet while out on the slopes. 

Lindsay Glassford mountain biking

LINDSAY is a PMBIA Level 1 mountain bike coach with Shred Sisters Ltd.

She is passionate about helping women feel confident and empowered while riding their bikes.

Lindsay Glassford CADS adaptive ski instructor with program participant

Lindsay is a CADS Level 1 adaptive ski instructor with the Panorama Adaptive Sports Society.

She believes that physical activity should be accessible for folks in our community with diverse abilities. 

Outside of clinical work…

Lindsay is a professional athlete focussed on off-road triathlon, gravel and mountain bike racing.

Lindsay Glassford on bike at the end of Gravel Royale bike race

As an elite athlete I understand the importance of staying active for both physical and mental health.

Don’t let foot pain STOP YOU from living your adventurous life!

It's time to STEP UP for your assessment

It's time to STEP UP for your assessment ◍